Festivities in Vedra

Calendar of festivities

Parishwide feast days

Patron Saint celebrations in San Xián de Sales (the first weekend after 6 January)

Cerimonia das Candeas in San Pedro de Sarandón (2Feb)

St Blas in San Mamede de Ribadulla (1st Sunday after 3February)

Virgen de las Angustias in Illobre (Easter Sunday)

St Pedro Mártir in Merín (first Sunday after 29Apr)

St Cruz in Santa Cruz de Ribadulla (3May)

Santísimo in San Xián de Sales

St Isabel in San Fins de Sales (second Sunday after Corpus)

St Pedro in San Pedro de Sarandón (29-30Jun)

St Pedro in San Pedro de Vilanova (first weekend after 29June)

Concepción in San Pedro de Sarandón (first Sunday of July)

St Cristóbal in Merín (first Sunday after 10Jul)

El Carmen in Trobe (first Sunday after 16Jul)

Festivity of the Magdalena in A Ponte Ulla (22-23Jul)

Patron saint celebrations in San Fins de Sales (1-3Aug)

Patron saint celebrations in San Mamede de Ribadulla (7-8Aug)

St Campio in San Miguel de Sarandón (9-11Aug)

Santiaguiño in San Pedro de Vilanova ( on the Saturday immediately prior to the last Sunday of August)

Romería de los Remedios in Trobe (last Sunday of August)

“Las Dolores” in Vedra (first Sunday of September)

Romería de Gundián-procession and fireworks in A Ponte Ulla (7-8Sep)

Romería del Patio in Santa Cruz de RIbadulla (the first Monday after the third Sunday of September)

St Miguel in San Miguel de Sarandón (29Sep)

St Andrés in Illobre (30Nov)

Saint Baia in Vedra (10Dec)


Gastronomic festivals

“Viño da Ulla” Festival in San Miguel de Sarandón; a wine festival organised to highlight the qualities of this wine (April)

Pig’s Ear Festival in San Fins de Sales (May)

Firewater Festival in San Mamede de Ribadulla (May)

Grilled Pork Festival held in Trobe (May)
Festival of the Lamb held in San Xián de Sales (May)

The Chub Fest held in Santa Cruz de Ribadulla (July)